Flower at 2.5 years above, and 3 months below 
Champion Coedwig's Blue
Coedwig's Carbon Blue x Ch. Coedwig's Moonlit
Lilac) DM Clear
lovely blue girl is the result of our first frozen semen breeding with
the famous Carbon. We are delighted with her potential, and are
especially pleased with her outgoing confident personality. She is also
a super cuddler! Flower has the ever so hard to achieve perfect
Cardigan front. Her effortless movement and perfect tail carriage are
icing on the cake. She finished her Championship with a bang by
garnishing her last major (5 pts) at the Southern California specialty in
January 2011.

Here is our Flower, winning her first points under breeder judge Paul Chen.
 Flower went to visit with Auntie
Helen (Turin) in Southern California!